

字号+ 作者:中国资讯 来源:未知 2023-09-03 10:43 我要评论( )

中英文版报道 Chinese and English versions reported :谢燕美 - Selena Xie 《2023国际健康发展大会》已于8月26日-8月27日在长沙胜利召开。8月26日开幕、27日闭幕。 The《2023

中英文版报道Chinese and English versions reported:谢燕美 - Selena Xie

The《2023 International Health Development Conference》was successfully held in Changsha from August 26th to August 27th. It opened on August 26 and closed on the 27th.

With the theme of "Collaborating Chinese and Western Medicine, Promoting the Health Industry, Linking the Belt and Road", the conference invited foreign heads of state and dignitaries, academicians of the two academies, masters of traditional Chinese medicine, and representatives of outstanding entrepreneurs in the field of general health to gather in Changsha to focus on health Hot topics such as health governance, health services, and health industry were discussed and exchanged in order to promote the deep integration of Chinese and Western medicine and the field of general health, and jointly seek the high-quality development of our country's health industry.
The foreign heads of state attending the conference include Amina Gurib Fakim, the sixth president of the Republic of Mauritius, a famous biologist, and an outstanding female scientist in the world, and Matteo Renzi,the youngest president in Italian history and the 56th prime minister.
Domestic experts and scholars include: Chen Runsheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, and Huang Xi, a nutritional scientist in the international medical field etc.

The two-day conference provided an important international exchange platform for the development of the health industry through a series of activities such as keynote speeches, forum dialogues, public welfare dinners, project exhibitions, and link cooperation.
In this conference, academic exchanges and industrial innovation discussions were conducted on topics such as the future trend of the big health industry and the development of anti-aging technology.
Experts at home and abroad focused on topics such as "how to focus on the application of innovative biomedical technologies in traditional Chinese medicine and the general health industry", "creating a new force for high-quality development in the health industry", and "how healthy aging can 'outperform' population aging" and other topics. During the seminar, everyone expressed their brilliant opinions.
Supplied by Global Federation of Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Chinese Friendship Associations.



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